Recipes Please

Sharlene’s Chicken Stock


·        4 chicken thighs, skin on.

·        6 carrots halved.

·        1 onion medium, whole or ½ large

·        4 celery stalks, whole with leaves on

·        1 tub chicken stock diluted-Knorr in 3 cups of water

·        2 cups chicken stock diluted (College Inn, Low fat/low sodium)

·        1tsp salt

·        ½ tsp white pepper

·        One package of cheese cloth


Place 4 chicken thighs face down in bottom of large stockpot or Dutch oven

Cover chicken with 3 cups of water with Knorr stock and 1 cup water with College Inn stock. Bring to boil on medium high heat.

Add onion, celery and half the carrots.

Add ½ cup of chicken stock. Lower heat to simmer.

Simmer on low to medium heat for 1 hour. Add quarter cups water with stock and skim throughout.

Add remaining carrots, salt and pepper to taste. Simmer for an additional ½ hour.

Remove from heat. Remove and set aside chicken and vegetables.

Cool chicken stock to room temperature.  Strain through cheese cloth.

Cool in refrigerator overnight. Skim remaining fat from top.