Category Archives: Sharlene’s Soap Box

Speak, Now

This is where it begins/or ends

Life has become very chaotic. It appears that we are in the midst of an unofficially, undeclared civil war.

This civil war is multifaceted. It’s no longer merely North against South. It is racial white/black/brown. It is religious, with Christians against Muslims. It is ethnic, with rampant anti-semitism. It is economic, 2 percent against the other 98 percent. It young versus old. The time is now. Everyone must get involved. America, your Democracy and freedom are at stake. Tell me what you think. Keep it clean and present your case logically. If you cite sources, please research them carefully for veracity.



Ursula Marvin

Ursula Marvin is a Geologist Emeritus and historian of science at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Dr. Marvin received her BA in History from Tufts University and her MS and PhD in Geology from Harvard University.

From 1952 to 1958 Dr. Marvin and her husband, a mining geologist, spent six years in Brazil and Angola examining mineral deposits. Between 1978 and 1985, she spent three field seasons in Antarctica, two of them collecting meteorites and one sampling the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary for evidence of the impact that is thought to have triggered the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

Dr. Marvin is the author of more than 120 scientific articles and a book titled, “Continental Drift, the Evolution of a Concept”. Asteroid Marvin was named for her in 1991 by the Minor Planet Bureau of the International Astronomical Union, and Marvin Nunatak, a mountain peak in Antarctica, was named in her honor in 1992. Dr. Marvin officially retired in 1998, but continues her research. She is also active in resolving problems in undergraduate education, especially the personal and professional problems women face pursuing careers in science.

Recipes Please

Sharlene’s Chicken Stock


·        4 chicken thighs, skin on.

·        6 carrots halved.

·        1 onion medium, whole or ½ large

·        4 celery stalks, whole with leaves on

·        1 tub chicken stock diluted-Knorr in 3 cups of water

·        2 cups chicken stock diluted (College Inn, Low fat/low sodium)

·        1tsp salt

·        ½ tsp white pepper

·        One package of cheese cloth


Place 4 chicken thighs face down in bottom of large stockpot or Dutch oven

Cover chicken with 3 cups of water with Knorr stock and 1 cup water with College Inn stock. Bring to boil on medium high heat.

Add onion, celery and half the carrots.

Add ½ cup of chicken stock. Lower heat to simmer.

Simmer on low to medium heat for 1 hour. Add quarter cups water with stock and skim throughout.

Add remaining carrots, salt and pepper to taste. Simmer for an additional ½ hour.

Remove from heat. Remove and set aside chicken and vegetables.

Cool chicken stock to room temperature.  Strain through cheese cloth.

Cool in refrigerator overnight. Skim remaining fat from top.